On Tuesday we will start working on your Costa Rican provinces project. For this project you will be a news broadcast and will do a report on one of the provinces. Please click here for the directions and your rubric.
On Tuesday we will be signing into your Blue Valley email for the first time! We we will go over the settings and practice sending an email.
On Wednesday we will be learning how to write a good email. This will prepare us for when we receive our email address next week. On Tuesday we will be logging into TypingClub for the first time. Each week we will be practicing our keyboarding skills with this awesome website.
TypingClub - your login is the first part of your Blue Valley email, your password is bluevalley. Remember you need 3 or more stars to pass each level. Reminder: to earn an A in Typing for the semester you must be on level 50 or higher by Dec 6. STAR - your login is the first part of your Blue Valley email, your password is bluevalley. Nearpod - for our interactive lessons. Open Lab - the EdTech lab is open for extra enrichment and academic support Monday's, Thursday's and Friday's 11:40-12 UnitsCurrent introduction unit is in Gold.
Semester long mastery units are in Blue. Mastery Unit 1: Computer Skills Mastery Unit 2: Interactive Thinking Mastery Unit 3: Digital Citizenship Intro Unit 1: Email Intro Unit 2: Google Drive Intro Unit 3: Google Docs & Slides Intro Unit 4: Computer Coding Intro Unit 5: Ebook Publishing Extra PracticeBelow are some great websites & apps for extra practice at home. Archives
December 2017